yep .. exactly what P2O's founder did was allo
Post# of 43065

what P2O's founder did was allow friends and family to be VCs for a disruptive tech
essentially replacing those who *know the drill* >> with those who *know* P2O's founder
loyalty is *earned* and can't be bought >> which is why *crew*
(initial colluding entity) would have saved all sorts of *efforts and
undertakings* back in 2010 had they done 20 minutes of DD re: *originals* in 2009
instead after their *orchestration* UP in Dec 2009 >> crew couldn't hand over
PTOI to their DOWN counterparts >> because there were *few* PTOI shares
to *access* to short
(it's why PTOI stalled @ the 4.00 to 5.00 range till WSB was 8k'd in May 2010)
getting in on the ground floor of disruptors >> tends to be once in a lifetime opportunity
the fact that P2O actually *survived* >> the attention >> as a *targeted OTC co. and stock
is as stunning to me as what the company (and founder) have achieved since 2009
imo one has to separate out the various colluding entities with what is en route
i won't be surprised if certain aromatics who imo wanted P2O's IP for pennies
on the $ .. actually begin a partial cover vs trying to *stall* @ that 30c to 40c pps
it will depend on the *news* imo that is en route (and as i've noted b4) imo news
is en route that will explain the totally out of character *reiteration* of the ACC
Executive Summary via RH .. odds to me indicate 2nd buyer in P2O's pipeline
as i've also always noted >> the one signal that CANT be ignored by any colluding entity
is the seating of an indy BoD ..
but depending on what is next filed by mgmt (not talking 2014 annual) with details
it may well be the *signal* certain aromatics choose not to ignore ..
what will happen then >> is a daily review of what is parked @ various pps levels on l3
100,000 @ 1.50 won't cut it for certain aromatics' non stop *compression
of PTOI via resets* since RH was installed as Ceo back in Mid August 2013
but 5 Million PTOI *shares* @ 4.00 may be able to *provide* them a slight pause
while they *reconfigure their algos* for the next round
as many know one of the material events i expect that provides a foundation
that can't be *broken* is P2O's 8k of said national engineering co. (with said
engineering co.s articulation of their intent specific to P2O)
i'm looking forward to seeing both sets of colluding entities' >> obliterated pps wise re: PTOI
crew that works (both sides) *there* >> 20c .. aromatics losing 30c to 40c ..
and P2O investors fully *aware* of what royalties entail re: PTOI
