So today we received news that we did 3.75m for the month of Feb that has only 28 days. So a 10% increase from last month. Bob S feels we will be back on track what we accomplished towards the end of the year. Yes Pipe you make a great point the comparisions are very easy we did approx 500k in revs in q1 2014 so already we have 7m in approx so we are ahead 15x which is superb. If we do another month like we just did it looks pretty likely BACK TO BACK TO BACK.
I would like to point out if we are profitable for q1 tis will be the 1st time in the history of the company that we will be profitable to start the year. I am very encouraged that we had an uptick on a very short month as well as filled with some snow days which probably cost us a few dollars. All blue skys ahead as we wait patiently for Pimd and the diabetic program to kick in.