MHTX now has some serious investors into it again since the settlement with CRS, yesterday, for over 8 million dollars for their incompetence to make the Nanotitanium metal products that they were supposed to market. This leaves MHTX with more than what was needed, 2 million dollars, to create that new human MRX 2 machine for the detection of Cancer the other division of theirs was doing this year. The MRX has proven to detect down to under 84 Cancer cells, when current Cat Scans or MRI's can only detect down to 30,000,000 to 50,000,000 Cancer cells. It also leaves the door open to get another metal manufacturer to make the NanoTitanium metals. CRS is going to send all the equipment made to make this metal back to MHTX at no cost. It has got to be worth a few more million.