Another good post be Rakestar... Yup! Nuvola Np
Post# of 96885
Yup! Nuvola Np1/Npc a HUGE success. let's try and put this to rest again. Warning : The following info has been posted many times and requires objective and forward thinking with respect to business in the real world. The company and its partners hardly feel the nuvola line is obsolete and there is no market. They stated the market would not increase therfore focus, as it always has been, will be on 4k streaming, compression techniques and content aquisitions. NTEK has always stated they were not focusing on hardware and the Nuvola was built out of necessity as a vehicle to demonstrate their 4k streaming capabilities and showcase Ultraflix. The fact is, as per the last SH letter, it is deemed highly successful and I agree. Here's why...
1. It actually EXISTS! It was said repeatedly the magic box would never be built, sold or shipped. Well, It was (by Foxconn) it has through Nanotech and Ingram Micros distribution channels. It can be purchased on Amazon, Staples and several other etailers right now! I am looking at one in my living room as I write this.
2. It actually WORKS! This was verified and demoed by Akami to stream 4k at sub 10 mbps at CES '14. It was used by Best Buy this fall to promote 4k and is currently being used by JVC to "showcase" to distributors. Do you use an obsolete product to showcase your new equipment to the people who sell it? Does that make any sense?
3. It allowed Nanotech to demonstrate their innovation in 4k streaming and compression techniques to major corporations providing confirmation that ultrahd streaming to the average household is achievable. This furthered the 4k transition and provided a bridge for Nanotech to demonstrate Ultraflix.
3. It opened doors for the company to meet with and showcase Ultraflix to Sony, Samsung, Vizio etc. How else would they demo ultraflix when most manufacturers had no 4k capabilities at the time. We are now on or will be on practically every 4k set moving forward. HUGE Success.
4. The fact that Nanotech recognized the rapid evolution of 4k and DIDN'T focus resources on producing, marketing and distributing Np1s when it became clear that manufacturer's were producing mostly smart tvs capable of 4k streaming is an attribute not a fault. Would you rather have a company that fails to adapt or one that has market recognition and focuses on the future. ULTRAFLIX!
5. It's actually much better for Ntek and it's shareholders this evolution has occurred so fast. Sure it may have been a nice pop short term when the boxes were placed in Best Buy but think about it, how many units were people actually expecting to be sold? 4k sets accounted for something like 1% of all tvs sold. The fact that Best Buy is exclusively selling 4k capable smart sets now means Ultraflix will be exposed to EVERYONE not just people with a non smart 4k tv and Nuvola. The profit margins on hardware are terrible whereas the potential for Ultraflix revenues are staggering. Just look at Netflix it's just an "app" too.
Guys for me it's simple now. I have all the verification about the company I need. NanoTech has made a huge investment in 4k streaming, talent and content aquisition. Rightfully so imo, the question now is will it pay off. I strongly believe it will and am investing accordingly. 4k sales are going to quadruple at least this year, Ultraflix will be on 90 % of these sets. We have verification from executives at all these companies. They currently have the most extensive 4k library and growing. Marketing will begin, subscribers will increase, revenues will explode, buybacks, audits and uplisting will occur.
So yes, the Nuvola was a huge success, put it to bed. NanoTech laid out their plan at the SHM in 2013. Their vision was always to built a bridge to Ultraflix not to sell set top boxes. This is undeniable. They have executed this impressively thus far imo. I have personally streamed Ultraflix flawlessly on both Samsung gs5 and a Vizio p series. It was stunning as advertised. The imax films, Iron Dragon, Nature Docs, Concerts, Robocop, Rocky etc are cool as is and more than desirable to early adopters and very impressive when compared to offerings by the supposed billion dollar leaders ie Netflix Amazon etc. New releases, exclusive titles, live streams and original content coming. How many people saw Netflix squashing Blockbuster when it was at 2 bucks. What's it at now? Everytime thre is a paradigm shift new smaller and more agile companies have emerged. This is one of those times as Nanotech has put itself in a great position. I am beyond optimistic guys!
Class dimissed. Lol GN