Title: Gerst Captial, LLC. By Mr. Greg GERST, CFA
Post# of 78
Edited for content and site rules. A copy from the comments on Seeking Alpha to the linked story.
Title: Gerst Captial, LLC. By Mr. Greg GERST, CFA
Fraud, Insider trading, Financial Services
NOBODY cares to listen to GERST, because Greg GERST,CFA is a LOW IQ MORON.
As a high tech professional for the last 20+ years, all I can tell you is this. NOBODY is reading this GARBAGE. Kerrisdale “the three stooges” Capital and it fellow dunces like Mr. Greg GERST, CFA have thrown all the crap they can against the wall and it is beginning to drop on their heads.
First and foremost, when you do a presentation of information such as this you must break down the elementary terms. The author Gerst Capital, LLC is a “one man show” lead by the FINANCIAL SERVICES NOBODY Mr. Gregory Gerst, CFA known now for fraud, deceit, and outright lies in public now and forever keyword tagged to your name. Do a search tomorrow schmuck!
Gerst Capital, Mr. Greg GERST, CFA should be thought of as an abominable liar fraud-ster and be cast into oblivion for this piece of crap. It appears Kerrisdale Capital no longer want to put their names on the lies so they go out and get Gerst Capital - Mr. Greg Gerst, a financial services loser with 227 Linkedin connections. He's a big time NOBODY....lmao and linkedin proves it?
Now I digress ... no more Mr. Greg GERST, CFA liar, fraud,who was potentially ass raped recently at the docks in SF. He probably really is a smart guy to get his name in with the Kerrisdale Capital morons.
i digress more... my apologies
When I see a presentation with this much graphics and writing you just skim it and look for something you can believe. I read nothing but gibberish and outright LIES. Whoever wrote this article is a dunce. I think I mentioned that earlier.
If Kerrisdale and GERST Capital dunces really has the smoking gun then just tell us what it is cause all this paid for - produced by "experts" bullcrap is not fooling anyone anymore. Kerrisdale are a pack of dunces on Wallstreet. Low life "nobodies" that found a company to attack.
Kerrisdale's Sahm sam the ice cream man... aka: "The Putz of Wallstreet" is starring down at a huge problem.... they can't find shares to cover. The principles are holding onto shares like GOLD BARS. The funds that are selling are being negated by the funds buying now.
Here's another FACT: The Kerrisdale morons didn't factor in.
Here it comes you short morons !
James "Jay" Monroe and his holding companies can effectively if they decided to peg this stock at any price point with the 60%+ ownership leverage.
Overseas short houses printing up shares like mad men, on the belief that the low life hedge fund "Kerrisdale" who has a staff of 3 total nitwits with no real background or history on the street are for real.
It's a game. I think GSAT and team have the right stuff to win, not a little win, but BIG win.
As for the morons from Kerrisdale (3 people) and Gerst (one man) Capital LLC.
Let see who they are:
Kerrisdale- Company of Morons
Sean Donohue
- Director of Marketing & IR - this is the kid we gave swirlies to in grade and high school. A complete idiot. He can’t even get a girl at a strip club with a 1000 bucks. It may be his gum issues. LMAO
Edward Gu
- Chief Financial Officer / Chief Compliance Officer - GU in your face buddy, wipe your mouth banana man. Physics major....LMAO Kerrisdale Capital’s Edward Gu is an absolute “less than NOBODY” in the world technology or physics.
Sahm Adrangi
- Chief Investment Officer – Hock-in-dee-hock... you dig ! This BK asset manager turned well renounced dumb ass with ZERO experience in technology or physics. I heard he bleaches his arse and waxes his bikini line and uni bra brah !!!! lmao
Why did Sahm Adrangi did was hire the Edward GU to pull of his con???
Did you see previously Edward GU has no real experience in PHYSICS whatsoever? NONE… he’s a four-eyed liar like all skinny geeks in financial services.
I can't believe how dumb you people are, you are laughable!
Now it's the longs turn. Get the lube losers or get GU to spit on your backside Sahm.
Cheers ! and up your arse !
Sean Donohue, Sahm Adrangi, Edward GU, fraud, SEC, violations, FINRA, INSIDER TRADING, investigation, Kerrisdale Capital, Mr. Greg GERST, CFA, GESRT CAPITAL LLC.