I agree kansai, but as Celtics stated several times, back to back excellent quarterly performance demonstrated SCRC can be successful. A third quarter of equal or greater performance will demonstrate SCRC will be successful. January's numbers are probably the most important numbers to come out. A $5M revenue month, and this does mean compounding, it means total revenue, will make the statement that SCRC can sustain it's growth. This will be the signal to the high power investors, the big players, that SCRC is for real. Match this with the 10Q in March, which we all know should be great, the whole dynamic of SCRC will change. All I know is we were stuck on the .08 to .09 range for what seemed eternity, not we are in the .19 range. It's nice to see that 1 to the left of the 9. Soon it will be the .20s, the .30s. I have waited for two years now, we all have waited for two years. It's happening and I am not concerned at all.