Lorraine told me they are pretty much done with the NP-1..well no let me say this...She said we have sold the production runs we had and have NO PLNS to order more " at this time ":so NOTHING will come of Nuvola NP-1///so that begs why did they stall and string everyone along over the Google approval when they knew all along they were going to drop the Nuvola from a front burner item?...So that tells me they spent a LOT of money on a missed bus ticket because they got to the station too late!...so now we have a channel and guess what so do a lot of other folks...I am very worried and hope they have a rabbit to pull out of their hat but my hopes are fading fast...they are already starting with the CES 2015....maybe we will make a ultra high definition calculator next...pinball games? hell that was around 3 years ago when I first started buying shares in the money pit...it is nothing new...They had a virtual pinball machine and it was supposedly sold to a European entity and we are getting royalties. BUT do we know anything about it?...Don't you remember the machines were going to be in a Theater chain and at Dave and Busters...you see em yet? Nah me neither...so whats next? These guys for all the talent they have would seemingly screw up a wet dream...