Here is a whole lot of good plays Symbol Last
Post# of 22757
Symbol Last Price $ Chg % Chg Volume Bid Ask Alerts
ACRX 6.13 0.30 +5.15 656,604 5.90 6.35
ADHD 3.82 0.26 +7.30 425,092 3.06 4.10
ADMD 0.0003 -0.0001 -25.00 113,292,918 0.0002 0.0003
AGI 7.06 0.58 +8.95 1,581,068 5.72 8.38
ANV 0.97 0.1224 +14.44 5,014,117 0.9011 0.994
APT 2.53 0.01 +0.40 379,843 2.48 2.75
ARCP 8.41 0.71 +9.22 46,640 8.39 8.41
ARO 2.29 0.03 +1.33 2,867,256 2.08 2.30
BBLU 1.39 0.29 +26.36 891,018 1.39 1.48
BKEN 0.0012 0.0003 +33.33 3,691,266 0.0011 0.0015
BYSD 0.0005 0.00 0.00 11,620,701 0.0003 0.0005
CBK 5.07 0.11 +2.22 371,112 4.13 5.21
CLF 6.41 -0.39 -5.74 19,419,924 6.40 6.42
CNET 1.13 0.08 +7.62 140,237 1.01 1.10
CYRN 1.60 0.02 +1.27 481,367 1.56 1.60
DGRI 0.0002 0.00 0.00 20,155,000 0.0001 0.0002
DKTS 0.0016 0.00 -3.03 4,157,875 0.0014 0.0015
DOMK 0.00 -0.0001 -99.00 7,010,600 0.00 0.0001
DRL 4.00 0.26 +6.95 126,349 3.83 4.02
DRYS 0.8139 0.0338 +4.33 16,438,626 0.8111 0.827
DSCR 0.0013 -0.0002 -13.33 5,773,307 0.0013 0.0014
EDAP 2.05 0.10 +5.13 68,786 2.05 2.07
EOX 1.15 0.18 +18.56 5,484,260 1.07 1.16
ESI 8.45 0.46 +5.76 606,232 7.40 10.43
EXEL 1.36 0.05 +3.82 4,143,737 1.29 1.36
EXK 2.04 0.19 +10.27 2,351,338 1.84 2.18
EXXI 3.23 0.63 +24.23 14,540,587 3.21 3.24
F 14.45 0.36 +2.56 29,270,344 14.47 14.49
FITX 0.0157 -0.0015 -8.72 19,705,275 0.0157 0.0159
FMCC 2.18 0.19 +9.55 5,111,287 2.18 2.20
FNMA 2.28 0.21 +10.14 10,749,217 2.27 2.28
FRO 2.29 0.00 0.00 3,447,432 2.24 2.29
GDP 4.75 0.61 +14.73 5,625,528 4.56 4.88
GDSM 0.0003 0.0001 +50.00 5,150,000 0.0002 0.0003
HK 2.06 0.30 +17.05 9,508,852 1.89 2.12
HMY 1.79 0.11 +6.55 4,658,515 1.78 1.81
IAG 2.41 0.20 +9.05 12,914,022 2.38 2.44
JCP 6.63 0.31 +4.91 11,167,644 6.52 6.60
LSG 0.74 0.07 +10.45 505,546 0.66 0.89
MOLG 2.60 0.11 +4.42 427,071 2.40 2.63
MYEC 0.0209 -0.0027 -11.44 17,573,753 0.0205 0.0209
NADL 1.65 0.21 +14.58 2,283,506 1.59 1.67
NETE 1.08 -0.03 -2.70 313,014 1.02 1.34
NG 2.96 0.21 +7.64 3,931,804 2.84 2.99
NQ 4.86 0.14 +2.97 4,489,702 4.75 4.88
NTLS 4.57 0.28 +6.53 567,580 3.87 4.55
NVGN 3.15 -2.23 -41.45 4,381,414 3.07 3.15
OREX 6.38 0.465 +7.86 3,938,608 6.30 6.39
PLUG 2.94 0.21 +7.69 6,920,459 2.87 2.94
PVCT 0.875 0.02 +2.34 288,428 0.79 0.99
REN 1.13 0.10 +9.71 3,499,155 0.70 1.40
RENN 2.61 0.12 +4.82 544,473 2.59 2.63
REXX 5.91 0.72 +13.87 3,660,655 5.72 5.95
SCOK 2.92 0.07 +2.46 180,351 2.80 2.98
SD 1.99 0.28 +16.37 23,620,306 1.99 2.04
SEGI 0.0005 -0.0002 -28.57 18,297,943 0.0004 0.0006
SFUN 6.83 -0.01 -0.15 9,468,393 6.78 7.38
SNSS 2.56 0.21 +8.94 2,457,415 2.52 2.55
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