Preservation of the Brazilian Rainforest The Br
Post# of 235
The Brazilian Amazon represents over half of the planet's remaining rainforests, and it comprises the largest and most species-rich tract of tropical rainforest in the world. Amazonas Florestal is committed to the sustainable and environmentally responsible management of these forests. Amazonas Florestal's sustainable forest management strategy, with its selective method of harvesting timber for the production and commercialization of wood products, addresses deforestation, which is one of the primary causes of global warming. Additionally, Amazonas Florestal's strategy rehabilitates ecosystems through habitat and water resource preservation. Amazonas Florestal intends to preserve these properties through UN REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation & Forest Degradation) incentive programs, while selectively harvesting their resources through sustainable "Green" government approved forest management projects. Towards this end Amazonas Florestal has entered into a strategic relationship with Carbon Forest Group, a financial management Company that is charged with the development and monetization of Carbon Credits through Sustainable Forest Management (SFM), Agro Forestry and or R.E.D.D.
Brazil has a land area of 846 million hectares and an estimated population in 2010 of 195 million people (United Nations Population Division 2010); the country is ranked 75th out of 182 countries in UNDP's Human Development Index (UNDP 2009). Ninety-three per cent of the country is below 800 m in altitude. The highest peaks, at about 2500 m, are found on the northern border with Venezuela and in the southeast on the Atlantic coast. The vast Amazon Basin contains the world's largest area of tropical rainforest; the majority of it is Brazilian territory. FAO (2010a) and Government of Brazil (2010) both estimated Brazil's total forest cover in 2010 at 519 million hectares, including both tropical and non-tropical natural and planted forests; an estimated 354 million hectares of the total was in the Amazon.
More on the Brazilian Rainforests:
Brazilian Rainforests
Types of Brazilian Rainforests
Permanent Forest Estate
Deforestation and Forest Degradation
Status of Brazilian Tropical Rainforest in 2011
Vulnerability of Forests to Climate Change
Sustainable Forest Management Policy Framework
Brazilian Rainforest Policy and Legislation
Institutions Involved in Rainforest Management
Status of Rainforest Management
Silviculture and Species Selection
Planted Forest and Trees Outside the Forest
Brazilian Rainforest - Forest Certification
Estimate of Sustainably Managed Forests
Timber Production and Trade
Non-Timber Forest Products
Brazilian Rainforest - Forest Carbon
Brazilian Rainforest - Forest Protection