Let Us All Be Gay Together and Get Lost in an Orgy
Post# of 16

I want to be the first to tell you that these days of sorrow are about to drown forever in the upcoming Great Flood about to be unleashed upon this world! Can you picture a day where you no longer have to worry about the evils of this world knowing that other creative dreamers have already taken it upon themselves to bring us closer to the Sun and with it warmth to those scattered throughout Mother Earth. Now is the time to come out from under the covers and open up the closet that is filled with Love and bring to life an array of new colors. What fun is it if your Heart is left to drown beneath the blue seas of despair when you could unleash its full potential giving rise to a Cup of Everlasting Life that is overflowing with more than just black and white colors! Why would you not want to get drunk with love and be gay in the passions that surrounds the company of an orgy of others!
There is no need for the parting of the Red Sea to separate all of us Liberty Lovers! America is the Promised Land that has given birth to all of autumn’s colors that fills the Heart of this New World! There’s no need to drown in some passionless love when alls we have to do is look to the Heart to add some spice to what I hope becomes the future American Renaissance based solely on the greatest commandment of all! Just imagine if you had the power to separate the Red Sea and with it the power to alienate the enemies of men from those of the peaceful ones. What if the only classification of Citizens we had was between the male on one side of the sea and the female on the other? Would you keep that strength of a man and the warm touch of woman separated from one another, or, would you lift up your hand to the heavens and bring the male and female waves crashing together? It is here that we will be able to walk above the red sea waters and stand erect as we pierce right through the blinding shield and into the hole of these numerous lovers!
Can you see the day where the seas of life no longer have to sing the blues of keeping Adam separated from her Eve? I know I can picture such an enlightened of day, for I would much rather see the strength of a man and the life of a woman collide as one and give rise to an overflowing cup of all our Red Blood and bring to this Earth an array of uplifting colors. That’s the beauty of America for we all have been gifted to live in this Land that is blessed by Love and Freedom under the guiding light of Lady Liberty! I only wish that I could find that wave that will capsize my Heart with that endless and passionate love so that we can hold hands and surf over these life giving waters together! There would be nothing to hide from one another as we remove these passionless white covers under these darkened nights as we allow ourselves to drift upon this paradise that will become layered with Red Carnations and a bed full of rosy colors!
We will let Venus and Mars compete against one another in their attempts to fill the Earth with the blessings of Love! If one planet starts pulling Earth towards themselves alone and loses the passion for Love, well that’s when the other releases the high tide to cleanse the Earth once again! As long as man and woman are equal, than we as Lovers have nothing to fear, for Earth will be centered between these two Heavenly bodies in some sort of Heavenly Equilibrium! We no longer need to fear the forces of one body or another, for as long as they are each filled with love, than I will welcome the stream from Mars and the waterfalls of Venus that will be poured upon those living on Earth!
If only we let love and all of its heartfelt passions lead the way instead of worrying about what goes on in the houses of others!!! Brighten up yourself, your family, and that of your community before you worry about National and State laws that infringe upon the rights of others in their pursuit towards the ultimate goal of happiness! May the day soon arise where the Great Flood will sweep across these amber waves of grain and cover the mountains that have been lost in blue tears of despair so that a cup of good red wine fills ones day again while in the presence of others! If anyone dares to stop us, than let it be known that all of us Lovers will raise our hands to the heavens and close the Red Sea and leave you to sing the blues while we walk above the red waters and bring to all a basket of colors that will be known from sea to shining sea! This is the New World Order I dream of that will conquer all fear and hatred around the four corners of the globe! I would suggest that you hop on board the Ship of Love or you will be left to fall off the Earth that is now filled with the passions of an Earthly Body with all of us American Lovers!
You don’t have to look to far to see that passion and beauty are all around to those who live in this Promised Land! I can’t wait for the streams of Mars once again and give rise with it to the Waterfalls of Venus! It is beneath these waterfalls that the red waters will flow throughout this land giving rise to the numerous streams that were granted by these two heavenly bodies colliding with endless love for each other! It is here that the red waves filled with a New Life will splash around the Earth and leave these two Earthly Lovers to dance naked while under the Light of the stars and that of a Full Moon that brings light to the darkness of the night! We have all made mistakes in our life, but let it be known that this new stream bleeds of forgiveness as long as you seek out a New Opportunity which doesn’t harm any of us Earthly Lovers! May the Great Flood once again sweep across this Earth and add it to it a bunch of New Colors!
Viva La Revolution to return to our Citizens the Promised Land where not one of our rights are infringed upon and where we let the Lovers lead us to the Rebirth of the American Republic!
Shaun Delage
October 18, 2008