The email re financials was sent to everybody who
Post# of 9122
shorters harp on lack of financials is dishonest because the financials are there on the website -just delayed a quarter or 2 - more complete than most current info co's -just without the 10q and attorney letter-so hopefully now that the company is transitioning to the revenue stage the co will upgrade to current info -as many co's do once they transition to revenue- and I've explained how otc de facto forces many co's to do so.
Shorters bashers brokers-who short stock in margin accounts-a blatant violation of fiduciary duty seen only in the market-they cant legally short cash accounts-which is 1 of the reasons why they are so eager to upgrade people to margin accounts-and mm's and technical traders and others make non-current info co's their playground-which is a major reason stock of such co's decline across the board in pennyland- irrespective of the co's progress.
So imo its essential the co upgrade at least to current otc info status to eliminate some of the shorter etc manipulation-and in so doing the buy sell ratio will improve as current info attracts a larger pool of investors and eliminates 3 major reasons for targeting by shorters,and allows the co more freedom in informing about its progress without otc sanctions against non current info co's who do so.