Ok, no problem. The thing is that all investors are not the same. The recommended way is to hold a large core of a good stock, and take profits off of the highs, use 50% of the profits to re-buy at the lows to recover your initial investment over time. But, there are many variations of that that could be used, depending on the situation of the person.
For instance, I NEVER use ANYTHING but disposable income that I would perhaps buy a toy with, or perhaps save to do an extreme vacation, say to Vegas with, when I don't care about loosing the money because I want entertainment and fun to relax.
Normally, in pennyland I will invest in 100,000 shares if I like the stock coming out of the gate, and based on future events I will either get out, or accumulate. This has been one of the accumulation ones.
Creative Edge Nutrition Inc. (FITX) Stock Research Links
In times when you feel low self esteem, disappointment and perhaps even depression.......keep in mind that it may simply be the result of the fact that you are surrounded by ass holes. GLTA