Hey guys FITXupdates here. What a humbling experience tonight meeting with the FITX staff, town council and other residents of Lakeshore. It was an open platform for both the staff and residents to discuss the future of such a facility in the community, which I think went well. I got to speak with Don the head of security who is the other name on the MMPR application, all he can say was that Bills trip has been a great success in Ukraine and Africa. Jim Shaban (the owner of the property) was also present and we talked for 15 minutes about the journey of the company and where the future will take them. Out of the 50ish residents present, I would say 2 were the most vocal at the beginning. Near the end, they seemed to calm down and accepted that their concerns were an non issue. The most vocal homeowner asked security at site 1 to "keep an eye" on their house while they vacationed this summer, kinda funny.
Please excuse my lack of reporting skills, I'm an engineer not a reporter. If you guys have anymore questions, I'll happily answer them here.
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