A section of the MMPR application information: b)
Post# of 56323
b) one responsible person in charge to work at the licensed producer’s site and have responsibility for supervising the activities with respect to cannabis conducted at that site by the licensed producer under their licence and for ensuring that the activities comply with the Act and its regulations and the Food and Drugs Act — who may, if appropriate, be the senior person in charge.
So, if we refer to the MMPR licensing application it states that the company must follow FDA regs and the FDA regs require testing UNLESS the producer is licensed in Canada......
I'd be happy to be wrong here....it matches the time lines I think. Growing after pre-license, testing of first product after 12-16 weeks grow cycle. Puts us in November. Just my opinion but this is the premise I've been operating under. The good news in this scenario is a PR that states 1) license 2) first sales) 3) first revenues 4) merger all at around the same time. Possible??