All the excitement about site 3 is justified! But, do not forget that excavations at Juno will continue later this year. This site holds great promise. A whole list of things has been found there dating it to a 1500 to 1550 wreck. Including a ballast pile with jade in it! If you think there is not a debris trail leading from that ballast pile then you do not know the first thing about treasure wrecks. Anyone who has an objective view of the treasure industry realizes it is full of less than honest men, not all mind you. I think it is in our companies best interest to not trust any data not compiled by our own excellent caliber crew and I hope you will see us do our own mag surveys on future sites and perhaps re mag our current sites ourselves. I think Kyle would agree that trust must be EARNED in this industry and never assumed. As many in this industry are learning....Dishonesty with our company can be very, very costly. To be on SFRX team honesty and integrity are a must. That is why this is the stock you buy and you hold. Mark my words.