PGVI News Alert Promithian Global Ventures Inc. (PGVI) 0.4900
Post# of 273258

OTC Daily Alert Stock Watch
WorldStockWire - Fri Jul 26, 2:00AM CDT
OTC Daily Alert tracks stocks daily and is pleased to offer features on public companies. Investors can receive FREE Stock Alerts and company news and profiles by visiting OTC Daily Alert at the following:
Promithian Global Ventures Inc. Retains CNM International
ACCESSWIRE - Mon Jun 24, 6:05AM CDT
SALT LAKE CITY, UT, 6/24/2013 6:00:00 AM - Promithian Global Ventures Inc. (OTC PINK: PGVI) is pleased to announce the company has signed an agreement with CNM International, with the intention of acquiring additional Coal assets.
Promithian Global Ventures Inc. Economic Analysis
PR Newswire - Wed Jun 12, 5:15AM CDT
Promithian Global Ventures Inc. (OTC PINK

Promithian Global Ventures Inc. Project Strategic Plan
PR Newswire - Wed May 29, 8:00AM CDT
Promithian Global Ventures Inc. (OTC PINK: PGVI) is pleased to announce strategic planning for its upcoming Warburton bulk sampling project. The two to five tonne bulk sample will be taken from the "Main Zone" deposit, based on the geological continuity of the vein. The samples will be handled separately from waste material, stored on a secure pad, and hauled out at the end of the program via a Hyland River downstream barge trip. The bulk sample will be offloaded, into a standard shipping container and carried by a tractor trailer truck unit, which will then transport the container carrying the silver/copper bulk sample to the rail head at Fort Nelson, British Columbia. From Fort Nelson the container can be shipped, via rail, in an extremely economical manner to anywhere in North America for further testing.
Promithian Global Ventures Inc. Corporate Update
PR Newswire - Thu May 16, 9:19AM CDT
Promithian Global Ventures Inc. (OTCPink: PGVI) is pleased to welcome Mr. Phillip J Wheelton as its new President effective as of May 16, 2013. Mr. Wheelton brings over 25 years of experience as a private businessman, and President of a number of publicly traded resource companies. Mr. Wheelton has traveled extensively, and done business, in northeast Asia. Mr. Wheelton completed his Honors B.A. at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario and did graduate work at McGill University, in Montreal, Quebec.