thenewalbum - how can you not ask what is going on
Post# of 56323
RED TAPE - sound familiar ? Not sure the Counsel and the Mayor could ever play a roll in Canadian Politics ever again if they let the big one get away and Cen Bio starts a few miles down the road.
Hmmm, let's see the Mayor's race results are in and we have a new Mayor. Mayor Bain lost with only 8 votes. The new Mayor is Bill Chaaban won with only 8 votes against him.
People wanna get paid - it's a tough world and people want something for nothing. Kinda like getting hit from behind in a car by someone at 1 mile an hour and want pain and suffering for a neck strain and time off of work. Asking for 3 Million but will settle for 5k out of court.
This is going to be the prettiest medical marijuana site on the planet with nice trees all over the place. Vines growing on the cypress fencing and water flowing down North Rear Road. A planters paradise.
Things that make you go Hmmmm. That and three cups of coffee ...