11/28/2012 Progress update: First and foremost, I too, share your frustration regardingour share price.Shareholders were looking for IR and promotion, so I hired a firm and they ranthe stock up about 170%. They are still working and I speak with them on aregular basis, answering questions as they are relayed from interested investors. They are looking forward to the release ofour new software platform for continued promotion for the balance of their 6month commitment.We have announced (and are working very hard on) our Magic BulletPlatform. We are in the middle of this project and really creating a nicenew platform to be launched shortly. We are adding a number of excitingfeatures including Facebook integration as well as many other upgrades andimprovements. We do not yet have a firmlaunch date as there are a number of moving parts to this launch, including theplatform itself, the website, the marketing to the existing user base of over6000 previous customer, as well as a full blown affiliate launch. I wantto get this to market "yesterday", but we also want the product tohave great value and marketing appeal. We anticipate an initialdiscounted price of $100 for the previous users of MBS. While wecertainly won't get 100% participation, and I would be guessing if I gave you aspecific number of people that we anticipate taking advantage of the newplatform, but if we only achieved 25%, that would be 1500 users at $100 permonth for $150,000 of monthly recurring revenue just to get us started. Previously, this platform achieved over 6000 users through 2 launches and wehave the same team working on the new launch, so what could we reasonablyexpect from deploying a similar launch strategy with a better product to a newgroup of potential users? Who knows what that number will be, but Ipersonally believe and am expecting some solid monthly recurring revenue from thisproduct launch.We are very close to releasing our subliminal app line of 56 initial apps andbased on the new IOS analytics and version 6.0 display, where the user searchparameters are significantly more important than previous versions, we feel wewill do well in this new category. We are also deploying a new website (www.subliminal-apps.com)to support these apps that will be heavy on the SEO. The company fromwhich we licensed this content has over 13,000 visitors per day and has soldover 1million products. We know there is a market for this product.We just released our first set of game center app that allows players tointeract and play against their friends. These are also our first app withintegrated in app purchases for upgraded play as well as upgrades to proversion demonstrating our vision for future app improvements and increasedsales. With this new swipe codetechnology, it will be quick and easy to re-skin this game for special events,other holidays, and other popular keywords and titles. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/zombie-runner-hunting-skulls/id572505712?ls=1&mt=8 https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/zombie-runner-hunting-skulls/id572505712?ls=1&mt=8 https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/thanksgiving-turkey-free./id577715108?ls=1&mt=8 https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/thanksgiving-turkey.-collect/id577716010?ls=1&mt=8Our SEO specialist is also working hard to research and rename our existing appinventory to more closely match the new search parameters that we have found inour research.We are all working hard. I am frustrated by our stock performance. We have a ton on the table and more opportunities present themselves everyday. Unfortunately, right now, we are somewhat "between"project completions and don't have much to publicize until some of theseprojects are in place and are ready for promotion and monetization. However, as soon as these products are ready, we will have the promotions readyto go. If MBS does half as well as I am expecting, it will pave the way, (inmeasurable monthly revenue) for many, many more company upgrades including thepossibility of share buybacks in the open market and possibly retirement ofmore B shares prior to conversion. We can do a lot, all it takes is solidrecurring monthly cash flow that we can count on. Unfortunately, Applehas become very challenging and unpredictable and I will no longer put all oureggs in that basket based on what I have seen Apple doing lately. However,we have a strong IOS foundation and we will continue to develop and deploy appsas well as improve and rename our existing apps to continue to developincreased opportunities and the hopes for the next number 1. I look forward to providing further updates andannouncements. Dustin Secor www.action-app.com Safe Harbor Statement at www.action-app.com/statement/Investor Relations Contact:Equiti-trend Advisors, LLC(800) 953-3350