Mach10: What is it that I'm waiting for. Well it's not finincials. I'd like to hear that we have shipped to Saudia Arabia and Singapore. I'd also like to hear the status of the ne ohio company using our products and have any other like contracts been acquired. I'd like to know the contact sales approach our vp of sales is using, local, regional, national or all of the above. When might we expect the N Assay to be ready for sale. Did we ever hire and intern this summer as mentioned we might do. How about an overall review of the last 18 months.
I greatly disagree with your explaination of the flat pack packaging not being desired beacuse the major players would prefer to sells products with a higher breakage rate and less shelf life. That just doesn't make any sense.
I'm just curious what others think might move the share price without financials.