MINE Recent activities 09/01/2014 04:19:58 $MINE
Post# of 64072
Now that was another great post bfarve40.Still here and very excited.Got my popcorn ready and another few k in case we are sub penny for a bit.Not worried here!!!
Guess What....
I live in Valley stream ny....
Guess where im going tomorrow...
will post a pic every day till you cant get enough
if I find it there
MINE Stock Message Board http://investorshangout.com/Minerco-Resources...INE-64252/
If he's being paid per response...... He's making a killing today. MINE!
I will not partake in the baseless back and forth about MINE that's taking place on this board. I just wanted to let you know that this is an open forum and you are entitled to your opinion, but really you are looking like a foolish individual and losing all credibility for any foreseeable future. When it comes to investing, especially on the MINE board, we are a family. There is real money at stake, and large amounts. Wishing anyone a loss of money is twisted IMO. Not only is it about connections here on the MINE board, and family so to speak, but it's like that in just about any aspect of life. Best of luck to you.
Yeah how much is that fake product photo supposedly selling for
how much is it selling for ?
Okay let's face fact. Posting (sticky) basher posts is not really going to change what people who are invested here feel. I am not posting for awhile until we are on our roll. Obviously letting this BS go on is wrong. Goodnight MINERS.
Apparently; it's considered a "Brilliant Post".
According to Ihub Rules:
Sticky Notes
What are sticky notes and how do they work?
A sticky note is a post that is selected to be featured/stuck at the top of the message list -- it doesn't scroll and is highlighted in yellow until the Mod/Assist/Admin removes it.
To be used to highlight important announcements, brilliant posts, or in the case of Admin - important board announcements.
They are added/removed by Mods, Assistants, and Admin.
Up to 4 sticky notes per board except that admin may add more.
Admin-issued stickies will also have red font.
To post a sticky, a Mod/Assist just needs the post # (not msg#), go to Manage, then Manage StickyNotes. link title
Any post that is more than 48 hours old can no longer be added to the sticky list.
You talk about sucking often...
Hopefully you are correct. I have some dry power.
Omg a commercial copied apple, give it a rest. The commercial sucks. Mine sucks.. End of story
Have you seen this Apple commercial
It's just a laptop sitting there with different covers.. How lame.. right?
Keep bashing. It is funny to see your comments that are obviously uneducated on this stock.
The power for cancer fighting mainly lies in CBD, the non psychoactive part of the marijuana. THC is like the part that gets everybody high. Has some helpful uses, but not nearly as many as cannibidiol has been showing to have. The uses for CBD's don't only help cancer, but has shown to have neuroprotective capabilities used in the treatment of seizures, MS, and similar ailments as well. More research is needed to see just how much it does, but if MINE jumps into either side on that one money will be made. Oh, and CBD is actually found in higher concentrations in hemp, not necessarily just marijuana.
This guy must be working for ihub how the hell he gets sticker for this.....?
How the heck is this a sticky??? Guess rules and moderation do not apply to all.
Excellent material. Well done. Thanks.