He is full of chit! Rick Wilson is a pathological Liar !. Naumu had better be on the up and up. These two clowns need to hear from investors every day now. Let them know what the consequences will be for them should they not deliver.... Class action Lawsuits, forensic audits, SEC, FINRA, FBI all knocking on their doors asking many questions about the press releases written, the shares issued, the supposed oil deals, the lies to shareholders, the paid promos. These asswipes need to be flooded with phone calls and emails until they do their job and fund the oil deals from their share selling ill gotten gains and get the god damn FINRA approvals for shareholder dividends and symbol change already ! These morons can barely read and write much less get approvals from regulatory agencies and close major oil deal transactions. Has anyone read the press releases ? They read like someone who never made it past the 5th grade. Total morons steering this ship !