I know I said I would not post no more until SCRC hits true penny land come late 2015, BUT!! you PIPE cracker jacks crack me up!! SCREAMING IN ALL CAPS THAT scrc IS A BUY HERE ALL AWHILE SCREAMING THE SAME MESSAGE FOR THE PAST YEAR. Ummm....(scratching head) Sort of asinine is it not? I tell you what. Tell Bob to quit doling out free shares to his cohorts for doing his "dirty work" and have the company buy back a few of the 130+ million shares, being we are cash positive now (smile) and I'll personally call Bob and apologize and to everyone on this board that I had it wrong about SRC. Until then...I'm waiting on .
0785 to play the next pop
Now, Like BSAV...back to my cave.
SCRC "to da moon"