Was this board down for everyone yesterday? Pat
Post# of 3844

Pattern seems to be following tecNasty's prediction which I feel is right on in explaining EWSI's price movement over the last few months. Last 2 days of up had numerous new pumpers appear on IHUB and a little less posting by negative bashers. Seems MMs/flippers bought in low .002s last week or so and are selling now at .0027 to .0032. Thought of selling at .0032 and picking up more when (if) it drops back to mid/low .002s. Problem is I'm chicken to sell cause it may keep going up further so close to Q2 filing and it's hard to predict when the MMs have sold everything and will start pushing the PPS downward again. All the talk of this being a good entry point is pumpers I feel. They try to suck in buyers to help up the price even more then the MM buy/sell manipulation patterns to do the same thing (as tecNasty explained). Feel sorry for anyone who falls for it since they'll see their positions eroded. Have lost many otherwise dedicated investors due to this pattern. Only way out of this manipulation is strong buying pressure from real good news. Question is will we ever get it.