Below is what I private messaged to GVInvestments.
Post# of 2155

Senior Chief Member Level
Tuesday, August 12, 2014 6:47:00 PM
GVI: I see you don't have private message capabilities so I know that you will be unable to answer this. Unless my computer is messed up I think your post 38976 ( see below ) had been deleted. Sincerely, Senior Chief
Tuesday, 08/12/14 06:26:02 PM
Re: Lofaus2014 post# 38974
Post # of 38976
Interesting you posted that “I'm neither short nor long at this time.” So you are a bit confused as to what to do? However you say you have the largest amount of shares? You say that you will wait for the dividend. So is that your only parimeter? So are you saying that wether this stock went to 1 cent or 10 Dollars you would only wait for the dividend?
You say “Patients wears thin when things don't happen when expected” I feel that you are perhaps a day trader, swing trader? Someone with patience would not make a divi the most and only important thing. Your waiting for the dividend but then you say you have no “patience”.
You say diving? All stocks in the mj sector have seen there gains come down. But this is the only one with No Debt, New products coming out all the time, celebrities loving the product, share friendly etc.
“blatant supporters” So as a share holder I cant post or give my opinion on the company not having debt, having good products or being shareholder friendly? I’m sorry you dont like the facts. You end your post by saying “ Looking forward to a good 2 weeks” I thought you didnt have the patience and now your looking forward to the next 2 weeks?