MYEC News 08/11/2014 17:32:56 $MYEC Hey, I have a
Post# of 64143

Hey, I have a meeting with MYEC's COO next Monday. What was your question regarding MYEC's California business certification? I'd love to ask your question and hope to clear things up. Thanks
Most of the shares sold today after the initial fall was these two MM's flipping their own shares back and to forth to each other.
Keep the faith - think of the reason that you bought in the 1st place. Has anything changed - YES!!! More potential than you can imagine. The day MYEC is trading over .30, just remember today and the price you could of bought in for so cheaply. One day this will surge forward and never look back.
Go MYEC!!!
What happened today with MYEC was very easy to see if you were watching L2. MM's manipulated the downward trend flawlessly. NITE & ETRF were putting up phony bids and asks all day between .0150 & .0160. Most of the shares sold today after the initial fall was these two MM's flipping their own shares back and to forth to each other.
The good news is their are no sellers below .0155. The 7Million share T-Trade at .0154 was obviously a smart investors who was watching L2 just like I was. No where to go tomorrow but up and he has a headstart. GLTA.
My guess is it's the shares the company had to add to the bal sheet. Add shorters and flippers and here we are.
I'm loaded with an amount that I feel I am comfortable. Put me on a island where the internet is not existent, and bring me back to this hell they call a reality in 1-2 years. It's that type of play boys and gals. Look at how far the company has come in such a short time.
The pps can be deceiving at times. In the words of waren: "be greedy when people are fearful, and be fearful when people are greedy."
8 million sold after hours WTF ..That would have jacked the price today ..whats going on here...if they can do that every day and the price falls...well we are all fecked...
Qs will usually be reviewed, but not audited.
I'm trying to wrap my head around what the MMs are doing right now being so aggressive. I had one idea. Don't we have to maintain the pps above 1 cent in order to uplist out of otc pinks? And won't we be able to uplist after fins are done. Maybe they are being super aggressive so that we can't uplist.. I don't know, just guessing, still new to this.
longs will do well in this stock.
Simply and accurately stated. Pay no attention to the chatter it holds no merit. Nothing has changed regardless of how days like these can get us wound up.
I've been holding since last summer it's been tough but I believe in this company regardless of other unwarranted opinions.
GLTA LONGS and believers.
There are more of us here than some think

Delays and lack of communication are causing our downtrend in my opinion. Hopefully once we hear more the pps moves with it and in the right direction!
Haha typo. Still haven't figured out how to edit posts from my iPhone
Rarely get quarters audited, usually just yearly
great stuff.
that is a nice size bet. says a lot about this stock.
I wish the old QA was still up. Was like a crystal seeing everything keep happening as said it would several months ago..bright future here

this is looking good now for the rest of the week.
i am glad i am locked and loaded.
this is one of my best stocks. i think we will do good with this one in the long run.
Funny some claim to have case against this company with SEC, but it's just that..some baseless claim. Why? Cuz company is legit, and CEO is doing everything he says he will do..audit will be next GO MYEC