NTEK Discussion Topics 08/10/2014 12:16:24 $NTEK
Post# of 64074
Yeah, maybe multi-billion dollar studios also cook their food
in-house to save on food/craft services & catering costs...
Part of doing exceptional business is KNOWING what you do well
& doing as MUCH OF IT as you can. Time best being spent MONEY-
MAKING instead of expending resources, revenues, talent & the
cost-benefit analysis of lost time NOT making money at what they
excel at being REASON ENOUGH: To pay someone else to do it.
We aren't talking about a person saving money by cleaning
their basement living space, instead of hiring someone to
save money; we are talking about MULTI-Million & BILLION
dollar companies.
With NanoTech, I am fairly certain they would be willing to
make digital conversions in exchange for EXCLUSIVITY over
the format for a period.
by leveraging their library content & monetizing the FORMAT NOW!!
At least, as I have said: That is what I would do. Leverage
one asset to GAIN ANOTHER!!
BTW, there are MANY independent &/or mid-level studios that
DO NOT have the EXTRA MONIES & RESOURCES to engage in the
conversion work (nor have the equipment, engineers or expertise).
NanoTech's "4K Studios" can open their LIBRARY up to a WHOLE
NEW revenue source (4K format) AND increase the value of their
library, WHILE ALSO reducing STORAGE COSTS (digital master vs.
celluloid, for example).
& LASTLY, if what was claimed was even REMOTELY TRUE then the
entire industry wouldn't be talking about the current LACK of
4K Conent - another NEED NanoTech has moved to fill!!!
& then there's this: