Nevermind me! My own son and sister-in-law and friends and acquaintences lost there ass to this pig of a stock just so him and his executives can get rich off our backs! Samblis i want you to apologize atleast to my son for months and months of your games while we stayed red and we hung on thinking Q3 would should it was worth it. And telling shareholders you werent diluting. When infact you were diluting like crazy and paying your execs massive money for a lousy $50,000 in revenues and then u want to now issue 500 million shares of preferred stock to boot......and incase that wasnt enough of a slap on the face, you increase the A/S to 4 Billion shares???!!!
Why didnt you just ask us to write you a check and tell us thank you have a nice day instead? RIGHT NOW YOUR COMPANY PPS IS WORTH A LOT LESS THAN A BANCRUPT AND SILENT COMPANY CALLED ATRINSIC! You have no earthly idea the damage you have done to people lives. Merry freaking Christmas jerk!