WyomingState – November 8, 2012 – U.S. MineMakers Inc. (OTC: UMKR) a mineral deposit acquisition and development companywith high-potential properties (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that ithas executed a Letter of Intent with aprivate mining company to option 50% undivided interest in several previouslyproducing gold claims in Sierra County, California. The Kate Hardy Mine and OmegaMine Properties are located near the northern end of the historic Mother Lodedistrict. About the Kate HardyThemine was operated for about eighty years, beginning in 1879, and continuing onand off through 1959, back when Gold was priced at around $30 per ounce.Reported production is estimated at 25,000 to 30,000 ounces of gold, from25,000 to 30,000 tons of mined material. This would indicate an average grade mined of about one ounce per ton,which is quite possible, as the Mother Lode veins are known to be relativelyrich, and the mine would have operated, by 1959, for about many years against afixed gold price. Based on a recent 43-101 report, the Company anticipates thatit will be able to maximize gold production in the coming years.Further information:TheCompany invites shareholders and other interested parties to call InvestorCommunications at 209-386-7753 or visit www.usminemakers.com Onbehalf of the BoardWalterStunderCEO,President & Director