Revised schedule of events - In My Opinion: La
Post# of 41414

Last week of July (next week) : Baltia will FINALLY release to the world in a PR that N706BL is airworthy and will be proudly present at the Thunder over Michigan airshow. Final stages of training continue and we may hear something about certain parts of the training as they are completed, but the real good news will still be most likely about a week or so away. (pps 3 to 4).
1st full week of August (8/4 to 8/8 ) : Right before the airshow, Baltia will announce its entrance into Phase III, just in time for the cock to crow loudly at Thunder over Michigan. Phase III is a HUGE accomplishment, as Phase III is almost like the equivalent of the automobile driver's "road test" - except here the pilot's have actually been "driving" on the very same roads they will be tested on for like the last 20 or so years. Phase III is all the “fun” stuff – finally! – and anyone in the know WILL realize the importance of this milestone event . No doubt the pps will reflect this major accomplishment accordingly (I really expect to see pps 4 to 5).
2nd full week of August (8/11 to 8/15 ) : There is huge excitement built up after the weekend airshow and the pps as well as the volume should reflect a major uptick. Baltia will petition the DOT for the right to start selling tickets and will most probably be undergoing its mini-evac this week. (pps 5 to 6)
3rd week of August (8/18 to 8/22 ) : In anticipation of proving flight commencement (more of the fun stuff!), Baltia will bring N706BL over to JFK under tremendous fanfare. Video of N706BL making its maiden journey to JFK (under the Baltia Colors) will be recorded and released to the media - alerting any TV station willing to air it that there is a new kid in town.......a 24 year underdog that has accomplished something that no one else has accomplished in the last 16 years - and who will be bringing many new jobs and much needed revenues to New York and Long Island......(and I strongly doubt that there is any media station stupid enough to miss the opportunity to report on this one!)
Baltia will also announce that the DOT has granted her the right to begin ticket sales, and ticket sales is accompanied by a massive roll-out of various forms of advertising - all of which will FURTHER ALERT more "Joe Public Investors" to the birth of a new international airline – and the pps and volume will once again get another huge push northward. (pps 7 to 8 ) .
End of August to 1st week of September: will be proving flights. By the middle of September, Baltia will have completed this phase of the process and will PR its accomplishment accordingly. (pps 7 to 8 )
End of September (3rd to last week): Baltia will proudly announce that it has received its FAA certificate and can commence operations. (pps pushes over 10 ).
Early November: Baltia will commence its direct scheduled flights to St Petersburg, and the pps will most likely be well out of the single digits. (pps ? )