I presume those cutter/chewers are coated w titani
Post# of 8059
I presume those cutter/chewers are coated w titanium nitride which has a hardness near 9 on the mohs scale, to enable them to chew iron, which is 4-5 on the scale -with iron pyrite 6.5. A regular mohs scale (without a graph) doesnt really do a good job of representing hardness,which is not merely a matter of doubling but appears to be on the order of an increasing ratio starting near 2:1 w last step being 4 times harder (diamond 1600 vs corundum 400- assuming 1600 is 4 times harder than 400-somewhat like a conundrum).
Shipping from Dubai might be expensive but so is the price 1.2 mill used-great for a large mine.
Hammers,even though they are hydraulic, do seem 19th century. CWRN is only using 1 or 2 hydraulic hammers now, replacing original excavators w larger much more powerful units like the Cat 365 and 375 excavators-often using the Cat 365 to load the Cat 740 haulers.
We are going to need a gold mine to buy all these toys bubba.