BLGA rapid revenue growth. 2nd Q 2011 $3,052.0
Post# of 380

BLGA rapid revenue growth.
2nd Q 2011 $3,052.00
3rd q 2011 $170,967.00
4th q 2011 $139,949.00
1st q 2012 $349,821.00
2nd q 2012 $640,885.00
3rd q 2012 $ about 2 mil in revs and an operating profit.
4thq? Who knows but with that growth rate I cant wait to find out.
Right now. Highcom is responsible for the growth. What is the potential?
As discussed under "Background of HighCom" under "Item 1"of our Form 10K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2011. HighCom's sales revenues in 2008 were approximately $17 million. Revenues in 2009 suffered a large decrease largely attributable to a May 2009 fire in its Columbus, OH facility. This destructive fire caused significant disruption to HighCom operations which was forced to relocate to new premises to restart its manufacturing activities. The combination of decreased spending in law enforcement and homeland security sectors experienced by the industry, the US financial crisis and the destructive effects of the factory fire, revenues decreased to $4 million. In the second half of 2009, HighCom was able to reestablish its operations in OH and began to regain its market presence both with customers and vendors. The result of which was the receipt of a $6 million contract award through an open bid process for the supply of hard armor plates and soft armor vests to United Nations Peacekeeping Forces. This was the first UN contract won by HighCom as a prime contractor. Shipments under this contract began in late 2009 with the majority of the contract revenues scheduled to be earned in 2010. Reference is made to “Item 1” – Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of our Form 10K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010 for a discussion of material events that effected HighCom in fiscal 2010 and the first quarter of 2011.