Meow always hoped we could have a semi official spokesperson, who would talk the company personally from time to time with our concerns or questions. It would be bad Meow thinks if we all called the company to bug them constantly. And as for Meow being a Blue-collar trade school graduate, Meow would not be the most impressive speaker for any board offically, so Meow is not comfortable with that responsibilty. So if we could get such a person we feel we could all trust to do that Meow thinks that would be great. At this moment in regards Meow thinks the NP-1 was rolled out too slowly but undertands that may be the best that could have been done under the circumstances and proper PRs will be done when there is more widespead availability. But things such as the dividend not being announced yet, if at all kills the shareholder. Imagine if after the intial spike in PPS after NP-1 rollout, we had a Divi PR, Buyback PR, maybe a early Financials and or a proper PR with retailers for the NP-1. And if still PPS was dismal, Then lets blame it on shorts etc. Meow is done for the moment, Meow hopes no one regrets letting Meow have its say. GLTUA.