NWGC News Saturday, July 12, 2014 2:25:31 PM $NWGC
Post# of 108

New World Gold Corporation To Begin Processing Tailings Piles
Business Wire - Wed Jul 09, 10:04AM CDT
New World Gold Corporation, (OTC Pink: NWGC), a gold mining and milling company with existing mining and milling operations in Ecuador and Peru has agreed to begin processing tailings piles for independent mining operations. The Company's expanded operations using portable generators are ideal for this project.
New World Gold Increases the Number of Independent Miners That It Processes Ore for
Marketwire - Mon Jun 09, 8:25AM CDT
New World Gold Corporation (PINKSHEETS: NWGC), a gold mining and milling company with operations in Ecuador and Peru, is pleased to announce that it continues to increase the number of independent miners that it processes ore for. The Company makes a profit from the milling process as well as getting a percentage of the gold and silver that it produces for the independent miners.
New World Gold Corporation to Open Additional Mill in Ecuador
Marketwire - Thu Jun 05, 12:56PM CDT
New World Gold Corporation (PINKSHEETS: NWGC), a gold mining company with existing mining and milling operations in Ecuador and Peru, wishes to announce it has begun construction on a new 60 ton per day mill in Ecuador. It is projected that this mill will be fully operational August 15, 2014. Based on new additional contracts, this mill is projected to generate in excess of $2.0 million per year net. This represents a substantial increase in cash flow. The company now has the capability to process over 500 tons of ore per day in Ecuador and Peru.
New World Gold Sees Share Volume And Share Price Skyrocket
ACCESSWIRE - Fri May 23, 8:11AM CDT
New World Gold Corp. (OTCPINK: NWGC) saw its share volume skyrocket on May 22nd with 144,632,656 shares exchanging hands, twenty-six times higher than its three month daily average volume of 5,523,616 shares.
New World Gold Corporation Increased Revenue and Profits in First Quarter
Marketwire - Tue Apr 01, 6:01AM CDT
New World Gold Corporation (PINKSHEETS: NWGC), a gold mining company with existing mining operations in Ecuador and Peru, anticipates increased revenue and profits in the first quarter of 2014. The Company has fully operational mills to process its own reserves and to complete contract milling for other miners in Ecuador and Peru. The Company's expanded operations using portable concentrators is generating greater positive results than anticipated, resulting in higher returns than projected.
New World Gold Corporation Begins Custom Production Projects
Marketwire - Mon Mar 03, 5:01AM CST
New World Gold Corporation (PINKSHEETS: NWGC), a gold mining company with existing mining operations in Ecuador and Peru will deliver revenue opportunities to qualified gold and mineral asset owners. The Company has fully operational mills and portable concentrators to process its own reserves, to complete contract milling for other miners and provides extraction and processing services for gold, silver and copper from existing ore bodies and client ore bodies. The Company with its specialized mills and portable concentrators is now able to process mine tailings at any mine or in remote mining locations.
New World Gold Corporation Adds Portable Concentrators to Its Operations
Marketwire - Tue Feb 25, 6:02AM CST
New World Gold Corporation (PINKSHEETS: NWGC), a gold mining company with existing operations in Ecuador and Peru, has added portable concentrators to its operations. The concentrators are very efficient and suited for the recovery of precious metals from stamp and ball mill products, dump tailings, rubble beds and alluvial sands. The Company has developed these concentrators for small mining applications in conjunction with the flotation cells at its mills. Currently, the Company processes its own reserves, completes contract milling for independent miners without mills and runs the portable concentrators at isolated mines and mines without the funds to purchase the necessary equipment for their own concentrators.
New World Gold Corporation Continues to Show Profits
Marketwire - Wed Jan 15, 4:00PM CST
New World Gold Corporation (PINKSHEETS: NWGC), a gold mining company with existing operations in Ecuador and Peru, today released its financial results for the year ended December 31, 2013. The Company had record financial results despite the fact that the average price of an ounce of gold was over $250 per ounce lower in 2013 versus 2012 (based on the average price of gold according to the London Exchange daily price tables).
New World Gold Corporation Commits to New Mill in January, 2014
Marketwire - Thu Dec 12, 6:00AM CST
New World Gold Corporation (PINKSHEETS: NWGC), a gold mining and milling company with operations in Ecuador and Peru, has committed to a new mill in January, 2014. The Company has completed an environmental report that will allow it to move ahead with the new mill. The new mill is expected to be operational in February, 2014. Initial production capability of the mill is expected to be 100 tons of ore per day with an average grade of 10 grams of gold per ton. This production is in addition to the projected production announced for the first quarter in its press release of December 2, 2013 of 400 tons of ore per day with an average grade of 10 grams of gold per ton.
New World Gold Corporation Shows Profits Despite the Drop in the Price of Gold
Marketwire - Tue Jul 30, 6:01AM CDT
New World Gold Corporation (PINKSHEETS: NWGC), a gold mining and milling company with operations in Ecuador and Peru, today released its financial results for the six (6) months ended June 30, 2013.
Geologix Explorations: Statement of Tepal Cash Costs to New World Gold Council Standards and Current Metals Price Volatility
Marketwire - Wed Jul 24, 4:30AM CDT
In acknowledgement of the World Gold Council's ("WGC"

New World Gold Profits Not Affected by the Drop in the Price of Gold and Sliver
Marketwire - Wed May 22, 6:00AM CDT
New World Gold Corporation (PINKSHEETS: NWGC) a gold mining and milling company with existing operations in Ecuador and Peru has substantial milling operations to process ore from independent miners on a contract basis. The Company processes gold, silver and copper in its mills.
New World Gold Increases Milling Capacity: Moves to 24 Hour Operations
Marketwire - Mon May 20, 6:01AM CDT
New World Gold Corporation (PINKSHEETS: NWGC), a gold mining company with existing operations in Ecuador and Peru, has increased its milling operation through contract milling with independent miners.
New World Gold Corporation Continues to Show Financial Growth and Increased Mining Operations
Marketwire - Tue Apr 30, 6:00AM CDT
New World Gold Corporation (PINKSHEETS: NWGC), a gold mining company with existing operations in Ecuador and Peru, today released its financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2013. The financial report was filed and is available on the Pink Sheets.
New World Gold Signs Agreement to Begin a Pilot Test in Los Lomas
Marketwire - Mon Mar 04, 6:47AM CST
New World Gold Corporation (PINKSHEETS: NWGC), a gold mining company with existing operations in Ecuador and Peru, today announced that it has agreed to a pilot test to process 50 metric tonnes of gold ore per day at its Los Lomas mill at a cost to the miner of $130.00 per ton. Previously, on February 5, 2013, the Company announced that it agreed to process 1000 tons per month from another miner. The two contracts will result in the company processing 90 metric tonnes of ore per day for independent miners. These two contracts will result in significant cash flow to the company. Both contracts are expected to start by the third week in March 2013.
New World Gold Corporation to Begin Shipping Gold on Export Permit From Subsidiary
Marketwire - Tue Feb 26, 6:00AM CST
New World Gold Corporation (PINKSHEETS: NWGC), a gold mining company with existing operations in Ecuador and Peru, today announced that it will begin exporting 50 kilos (1500 oz.) of gold per month starting April 2013 as a result of the export permit its subsidiary has been awarded.
New World Gold Corporation Discovers Significant Silver Reserves
Marketwire - Tue Feb 19, 6:01AM CST
New World Gold Corporation (PINKSHEETS: NWGC), a gold mining company with existing operations in Ecuador and Peru, today announced that it has intersected 6 silver veins in the new shaft of its mining operations in Ecuador. Besides the gold veins that have been intersected in the mining operations, the 6 silver veins represent significant reserves. Three of the veins are known ("San Antonio," "Sanson" and "El Viento"

New World Gold Corporation Begins Processing Other Miners' Ore in Peru
Marketwire - Tue Feb 05, 6:00AM CST
New World Gold Corporation (PINKSHEETS: NWGC), a gold mining company with existing operations in Ecuador and Peru, today announced that it has agreed with a medium sized mining company in Peru to process 1000 tons of ore per month in its mill at Los Lomas. The mining company has an existing mill that is at capacity and does not have a flotation cell to process concentrate. The NWGC mill at Los Lomas has a flotation cell and can process ore that cannot be processed in their mill.
New World Gold Corporation Reaches Record Year End Results
Marketwire - Mon Jan 28, 3:58PM CST
New World Gold Corporation (PINKSHEETS: NWGC), a gold mining company with existing operations in Ecuador and Peru, today released its financial results for the year ended December 31, 2012. The financial report was filed and is available on the Pink Sheets. The Company had record financial results.