Bells I am glad that your decision made you a net profit and that you decided to get out. As we are all here trying to make the best decision for ourselves, your decision was to sell and you seem "very proud" of that and mine as well as others here have decided to hold on to our shares believing things will turn out good . Really the future will let us all know what the best decision was for each of us and I am willing to wait and find out. What I don't understand is what your motive is in sticking around here when you got out and clearly think everyone else should have gotten out of these two stocks. Please don't feel like it is your responsibility to stick around after getting out to tell the ones still holding how right you are and we should see things your way (none of us knows the future not even you, it may turn out better then you think!). We are all mature enough here to make our own decisions and to deal with the consequences or rewards from those decisions without your constant attacks especially on good people that may not agree with you.