CHP just doesn't want to admit SCRC is tracking to
Post# of 7769

As you stated, SCRC is "half way there". No one can argue SCRC has products & services, SCRC is generating revenues, and SCRC will report a fifth month of continued growth. Like I said, "the other half will take care of itself". Do you really believe Mr. Schneiderman doesn't care about expenses? He's building a business and it cost money to build a business. Please tell me what business you built in the last few years and how you built it without having high expenses during the infant stages of development. Or, simply name some successful companies who didn't record high expenses in their first few years of development. You know SCRC is succeeding, it's performance over the last five months speaks for itself. It's all coming together for SCRC and those who invest now will reap high returns on their investment.