$AMBS's share price will continue to climb. Lincol
Post# of 98438

LPC knows that when it is announced that it has invested another $4-$5 million in $AMBS that the news will spike the share price especially as it will happen as milestones are achieved. Knowing that it will be purchasing shares at .25 it's obviously in LPC's best interest to purchase millions of cheap shares at the current low price and as it climbs towards the .25 range. It's one of the smartest investments that LPC can make currently. It's similar to you placing a bet on something for which you already know the outcome. When LPC made the decision to invest $20,000,000 in the company I can only imagine the due diligence that occurred to allow LPC to make the decision knowing they would be purchasing shares at no discount to the market. Obviously they had access to information that we don't have as retail investors.
Lincoln Park Capital will continue to buy to average down the share price of their future $AMBS share purchases.
Cavendish Global becoming a supporter with their associates having over $200B in investment capital will also contribute to the share price continued move higher.
The milestones and catalysts that will occur over the next weeks, months, and years make $AMBS the best investment opportunity in the market.
99% of the individuals that will own shares in $AMBS two years from now still haven't heard of the company or it's products. LymPro and MANF are about to change that.
Don't miss "buying" at the bottom. It isn't going lower.
"The next Amgen in it's infancy."
Twitter: @AmarantusBio .... 10,000 followers
p.s. Overdue for major news.