About a R/S it is becoming necessary! The trading
Post# of 96880
I am really not sure why people are so against the R/S! What is the difference between holding 5 million shares and 1 million shares worth 5 times as much??
I see only positives to a R/S, this means less shares out there, which increases demand, harder to manipulate, and could start trading like a real stock!!
Lets say NTEK has a market cap of 100 Million and 100 million shares, then it would trade at a dollar a share..
However because it is on the pinksheets, if it has a 100 million CAP and 500 million shareswould it trade at .20 cents or would it be manipulated much easier???
A R/S has to be considered based on the specific stock and market conditions. If you think R/S are a bad thing, they are often, but sometimes can spur growth and allow the company to take off. I think this is a situation where it would do nothing but Good.