all i will say i will be pulling your posts up just to listen to the music, its amazing how i have forgotten so many memories, today will be special for me, and maybe i slowed us down, i did not ask her out last night, she was already working with her coach, i would have had to jump into the water with my clothes on, to get her attention, funny though the thought did cross my mind, i know it would have made waves, but timing is everything, and will say this, your music has put her on the top of my list, not that she wasnt already, but , and your post was the first thing i listened to today, signs i just cant ignore, next time, i will go for her, i can feel the energy building, and think its a must, before the big money comes into play, fyi this is the biggest test for birdys, i can loses all my money no biggie, will grow more, but asking someone like this out, i have failed my whole life, and can only think on what i have missed out on, not any more, you and the higher power, are going to hold me honest, and i will make sure to post her answer, is journey one of your favorites ? because i really want to know how you picked that song? and what we and have been through already, think there is something very special about you, besides the best dd ever,