Great post by Jim46 Jim46 Member Level Monday
Post# of 1850

Jim46 Member Level Monday, 05/19/14 10:12:20 AM
Re: falon post# 87600
Post # of 87621
Love your information Falon. Keep it up. My sources in Africa, which I know to be entirely reliable tell me that SNEY is perfectly situated on the ground and on the ground at least is far outstripping its expectations. For the idiots who want to play with cameras or make predictions of what is to come on their self-proclaimed timetables, you might ratchet it back a little. The gold and diamond recovery is ahead of schedule. However, and Austin has been very good at pointing out, SNEY does not have the infrastructure yet to handle the production. That is like me having oil sitting in tanks with no gatherers to pick it up. Tons of oil and no pipeline. No money coming in. Dredge to my knowledge has produced miracles on the ground. Almost singlehandidly got those dredges working (humming is a better word), gotten rid of bad workers, and gotten professional dive crews working. In short production is there, so for all of you back seat quarterbacks asking dumb questions, get off your asses and do due diligence. It actually takes work, not chart reading. The answers are in Africa. Oh that wash plant. Actually it is capable of producing 500 tons an hour, and there is so much gravel around, it is unbelievable. Marketing will be a bitch in the short term, but the future is looking great. If I didn't own 60+, I'd buy more. Don't look for dramatic gains in the short term, but I still think a dime a share by this time next year will be easily exceeded. But that is my opinion only. And unlike some here, I actually have put my money where my mouth is. Good luck, especially to longs. To you I say quit worring about getting in at .004 or .003, or .0095. Just get in and keep accumulating, because this stock is no longer destined to stay south. It is going north. Again, just my humble opinion. Jim