These are copied posts of mine that were on I-hub
Post# of 45510

Post #1 I just got off the phone with TDA. I first spoke to a customer service rep and she told me yes there IS a dtc chill on ICPA. They will only accept closing trades on it. I then informed her of my frustrations with TDA and it being the only brokerage firm recognizing the chill. I told her I would like to close my account out with TDA because of the misleading information they originally gave me last night saying there was not a chill on ICPA.
She asked if I would like to speak to a representative from corporate affairs and I told her yes I would. A gentleman named Chris Blue got on the phone and he explained to me that TDA recognizes ALL chill orders and does not cherry pick the companies that are on chill. I pressed him to find out why ICPA is on a chill list. As a customer of TDA I feel it is their responsibility to provide me with such information. Because of their actions I am watching the stock price be reduced and also I am missing out on a buying opportunity that other non- TDA traders are benefiting from.
I am waiting for his reply and I will share that when he calls.
Post#2 Spuds you are correct. Just called DTCC at 1-212-855-5191 option #5. Gave ICPA Cusip # 450937305. ICPA iS NOT ON CHILL LIST. ICPA is open for buy and sell transactions. The only trades they are not open to which Steve Samblis has stated are deposit and FCC trades.
I welcome all to check this info out and verify this info. Why TDA is having these issues is beyond me, but I will find out. I have too much invested in ICPA not to. So the way I se it is TRADE ON