UPDATE: I talked to a guy who is Lakeshore and goes to the site regularly. He found out from the guard that some trucks have been dropping of stuff for the inside of the building. I also seen photos where you can see concrete slabs on the ground. These slabs i seen from another site are used to construct the vault piece by piece. So we think the vault is there or partly there as of yesterday. Yesterday weather was bad and we figured it hampered construction since crew can not be on the building due to lighting. 30 workers are seen daily working out there. As of yesterday the front fence has not been finished, but the main beams are in. About 7-10 cars were there and a van. City is 100% behind the build. There are town meetings Tuesdays and Thursdays (I will let you know more from the the Thursdays meeting as I find out, since attendance is open to public). So we are on schedule and nothing has changed!!!!! Also it is zoned agricultural and the area is zone just like that and this is totally normal. Can not post on Iflub due to ban and if anyone wants to forward will be good