“This procedure has changed my life…”

My name is Daniel, and I suffered with back pain for nine years. I have two degenerative and bulging discs in my lower back. I had numbness in my left leg and extreme pain in my lower back. As a result, I was not able to bend at the waist in any direction without collapsing in pain.

Over the last nine years I have seen many doctors: three general practitioners, three back specialists, three pain specialists, one neurosurgeon, and two physical therapists. They all have tried to help, some with more success than others but no one was able to completely help me. They tried epidurals, facet injections, a direct disc injection, a laparoscopy, and pain management classes.

After my laparoscopy procedure in December 2007 I felt much better. I went back to work in July 2007 and a week later I felt two big pops in my back and all the back pain and leg numbness came back worse then ever before. So off to the doctors I went again. But this time it was different. Dr. P., my pain management doctor, felt that she had tried everything she knew and was thinking I needed a fusion in my back. She referred me back to my neurosurgeon, who felt that I could be suffering from degenerative disc and disc collapsing in the area of the surgery site of the laparoscopy. He wanted me to go to physical therapy for two months and come back to see him if it did not work, at which point he would recommend surgery.

The physical therapist did not feel he could help me, but he did offer to send me to Dr. Norman Marcus at the Norman Marcus Pain Institute. I thought, “Why not? I have tried most everything else.” At the time I thought there was nothing that could help me other than a fusion or disc replacement.

I showed up on a Saturday in November of 2007 in great pain with a limp and unable to bend in any direction. After the procedure the most amazing things started to happen. Within 24 hours I could touch my toes and was walking without a limp. I had two rounds of injections over the next three months and gained full mobility and 95% pain loss. I stopped taking all pain medications for the first time in nine years.

In Feb 2008 I had a relapse. I was putting on my socks and felt something move in my back and all the pain came back with numbness in my left leg, scaring my wife and me to death. Yet again the most amazing thing happened, within 24 hours the numbness was gone and with five days I was back to 90% pain free. Now it is March 6, 2008 and I still am at 85% with stiffness and some pain. But Dr. Marcus said one more round of injection and I will be at 95-100% again. This procedure has changed my life. After nine years I am working and living with the confidence that I can make it. There are so many people out there suffering in pain to the point of wanting to give up and die like I felt. I want them to know how this procedure has changed my life.


“Life is once again bliss…”

It was the morning of the first work day of the new millennium when my life was dramatically changed. I was rear-ended by a fully loaded tractor-trailer. There I was, in the middle of I-85, feeling my muscles stiffening which as time would tell was the onset of chronic pain.

Within 90 days I was on a plethora of pain medications, I had seen several specialists. I had undergone x-rays, CT scans, and hours of physical therapy. The pain had forced me to resign my position as vice president. I was unable to perform many simple activities. The pain was a constant, always present companion in whatever I was doing. All the doctors were capable of was to keep me sedated with medications and keep sending me to physical therapy. I was also becoming depressed.

Over the next seven years, I continued to seek out medical professionals to find someone specializing in muscles. I had no spine damage, no nerve damage, and no damage to my bones. I therefore had no medical specialist to help me. It seemed that there was a specialty for every part of the body except the muscle. I received all types of treatments including nerve blocks, spinal blocks, radio frequency denervations (burning the nerves) and the common trigger points. No matter what the treatment, my back and neck muscles continued to be in constant spasm. The pain kept me from leaving my house and prevented me from driving. I had resorted to wearing a back brace in order to be able to enjoy any activity. Life was dismal for me, my wife and my two young girls.

In March 2007 my life was once again dramatically changed when I was introduced to Dr. Marcus. I was fortunate enough to discover him and was off to New York City as soon as he had an opening. I was amazed with his Muscle Detection Device (I had viewed his entire web site) and patented procedure, but what impressed me the most was that Dr. Marcus is a real person. I knew right away that I was in the right hands and that I was going to be healed. I had two muscles injected on that Monday and that night I could feel that those muscles had been repaired. I was able to finally remove my back brace (I haven’t worn it since) and walk several pain free blocks after the injections. I remember being sore from the injections, but the pain was gone. I received injections in over a dozen muscles during the next two weeks and day by day, muscle by muscle, my pain was eliminated! There were no more spasms. For the first time in seven years my muscles were relaxed. At the end of two weeks I returned to Atlanta pain free.

Although this might not have been following Dr. Marcus’ advice of taking it easy, I was able to not only join my family for a vacation in Florida the following week, but I was able to drive the nine hours after not driving for five years. I was also able to ride a rollercoaster with my 9-year-old at Busch Gardens a few days later.

Life is once again bliss. It has been full of family activities with plenty of long overdue piggy back rides. I am not longer on any medications. I am once again working and being a productive member of society. Dr. Marcus is truly my hero.


“I have a life with my family that is meaningful and without pain…”

Dr. Norman Marcus truly changed the quality of my life. I had been in constant pain due to a herniated disc. After having successful neck surgery my shoulders were still in constant pain.

In November 2006 “Good Morning America” did a feature on Dr. Norman Marcus; I immediately knew that Dr. Marcus was speaking about my situation.

In March of 2007 I spent a week having several treatments in NYC. I experienced Dr. Marcus to be truly thoughtful, kind, thorough and an excellent listener. He took his time locating the source of my muscle problems. The treatment was extraordinarily successful and I have a life with my family that is meaningful and without pain.

The Marcus Institute is truly wonderful. The staff is kind and patient and I immediately felt so comfortable in this office. They truly care about you.

Once the treatment was completed my family and I saw visual changes in my upper body muscles. Besides the visual the improvement was dramatic and has been sustained. I am now approaching the one year anniversary of my treatment with Dr. Norman Marcus.

Twinker M.