$SKTO Sk3 Group Inc (SKTO) 0.0248 -0.0014 (-5.3
Post# of 144698
Sk3 Group Inc (SKTO)
0.0248 -0.0014 (-5.34%)
Past 5 Days
Date Open High Low Last Change % Change Volume
04/07/14 0.0279 0.0289 0.0227 0.0248 -0.0014 -5.34% 16,154,270
04/04/14 0.0284 0.0289 0.0262 0.0262 -0.0007 -2.60% 7,809,500
04/03/14 0.0291 0.0296 0.0241 0.0269 -0.0027 -9.12% 22,190,898
04/02/14 0.0302 0.0310 0.0282 0.0296 -0.0004 -1.33% 8,459,200
04/01/14 0.0312 0.0315 0.0300 0.0300 -0.0009 -2.91% 5,713,400
Historical Highs and Lows
-- Period -- -- High -- -- Low -- -- Percent Change --
5-Day 0.0315 on 04/01/14 0.0227 on 04/07/14 -19.42% since 03/31/14
1-Month 0.0440 on 03/19/14 0.0227 on 04/07/14 -8.12% since 03/07/14
3-Month 0.0735 on 02/05/14 0.0092 on 01/08/14 +200.00% since 01/07/14
6-Month 0.0735 on 02/05/14 0.0031 on 10/09/13 +555.26% since 10/07/13
12-Month 0.0735 on 02/05/14 0.0023 on 05/29/13 -40.00% since 04/05/13
Year to Date 0.0735 on 02/05/14 0.0057 on 01/03/14 +232.00% since 12/31/13
New Highs and Lows
For The Last Made New High Percent From Made New Low Percent From
5-Day 1 time -20.95% 4 times +9.69%
1-Month 6 times -43.41% 3 times +9.69%
3-Month 6 times -66.12% 1 time +170.65%
6-Month 13 times -66.12% 2 times +703.23%
12-Month 5 times -66.12% 3 times +982.61%
Year to Date 8 times -66.12% 2 times +336.84%