$MRIB Marani Brands Inc (MRIB) 0.0290 -0.0010 (
Post# of 144691
Marani Brands Inc (MRIB)
0.0290 -0.0010 (-3.33%)
Past 5 Days
Date Open High Low Last Change % Change Volume
04/07/14 0.0300 0.0330 0.0285 0.0290 -0.0010 -3.33% 1,048,407
04/04/14 0.0295 0.0348 0.0253 0.0300 +0.0010 +3.45% 5,836,800
04/03/14 0.0288 0.0319 0.0268 0.0290 -0.0030 -9.38% 3,735,700
04/02/14 0.0340 0.0340 0.0250 0.0320 unch unch 13,366,300
04/01/14 0.0359 0.0378 0.0300 0.0320 -0.0029 -8.31% 8,720,000
Historical Highs and Lows
-- Period -- -- High -- -- Low -- -- Percent Change --
5-Day 0.0378 on 04/01/14 0.0250 on 04/02/14 -16.62% since 03/31/14
1-Month 0.0507 on 03/24/14 0.0250 on 04/02/14 +20.75% since 03/07/14
3-Month 0.0507 on 03/24/14 0.0071 on 01/29/14 +142.50% since 01/07/14
6-Month 0.0507 on 03/24/14 0.0030 on 10/29/13 +268.35% since 10/07/13
12-Month 0.0507 on 03/24/14 0.0001 on 08/07/13 +29,000.00% since 03/28/13
Year to Date 0.0507 on 03/24/14 0.0071 on 01/29/14 +112.41% since 12/31/13
New Highs and Lows
For The Last Made New High Percent From Made New Low Percent From
5-Day 1 time -23.02% 2 times +16.40%
1-Month 7 times -42.60% 2 times +16.40%
3-Month 15 times -42.60% 5 times +309.86%
6-Month 20 times -42.60% 8 times +870.00%
12-Month 48 times -42.60% 16 times +29,000.00%
Year to Date 14 times -42.60% 6 times +309.86%