
Last week, Obama ordered military service branches  to celebrate "Gay Pride" month. What we now know is that the same day he issued that order, Obama hosted the first ever "gay activist" reception at the White House.

Obama welcomed his guests promising to make good on their agenda: "We'll get there because of every man and woman and activist and ally who is moving us forward by the force of their moral arguments, but more importantly, by the force of their example."

Now, photos are emerging that were representative of the "moral example" set by his guests after some of the activists posted a few photos in public forums.

Dining on crab cakes and canapés chased with the best wines, while being entertained by the USMC Band -- all at taxpayer expense -- some guests took time out to pose kissing under the official portrait of  Ronald Reagan , while others offered gestures reflecting their opinion of the greatest president of the 20th century.

There was even a homosexual/transgendered marriage proposal, as recorded by an attendee and proudly  posted on You Tube .


White House spokesman Shin Inouye dodged criticism, saying, "The White House does not control the conduct of guests at receptions." However, Obama certainly did have control of the guest list.

This wanton defilement of  our White House now ranks alone with the sexual assaults and abuses committed by Bill Clinton when his regime occupied this hallowed home.