$MDNT Medient Studios Inc. (MDNT) 0.0273 -0.000
Post# of 102356
Medient Studios Inc. (MDNT)
0.0273 -0.0006 (-2.15%)
Past 5 Days
Date Open High Low Last Change % Change Volume
03/26/14 0.0270 0.0279 0.0258 0.0273 -0.0006 -2.15% 6,286,282
03/25/14 0.0300 0.0310 0.0265 0.0279 -0.0015 -5.10% 4,892,300
03/24/14 0.0275 0.0298 0.0275 0.0294 +0.0014 +5.00% 10,021,101
03/21/14 0.0330 0.0340 0.0260 0.0280 +0.0070 +33.33% 30,876,301
03/20/14 0.0196 0.0255 0.0181 0.0210 +0.0018 +9.37% 8,483,700
Historical Highs and Lows
-- Period -- -- High -- -- Low -- -- Percent Change --
5-Day 0.0340 on 03/21/14 0.0181 on 03/20/14 +42.19% since 03/19/14
1-Month 0.0340 on 03/21/14 0.0072 on 03/04/14 +241.25% since 02/26/14
3-Month 0.0340 on 03/21/14 0.0070 on 02/06/14 +76.13% since 12/26/13
6-Month 0.4400 on 09/30/13 0.0070 on 02/06/14 -91.73% since 09/26/13
12-Month 2.3300 on 07/09/13 0.0070 on 02/06/14 -97.90% since 03/26/13
Year to Date 0.0340 on 03/21/14 0.0070 on 02/06/14 +9.20% since 12/31/13
New Highs and Lows
For The Last Made New High Percent From Made New Low Percent From
5-Day 2 times -19.71% 1 time +50.83%
1-Month 8 times -19.71% 2 times +279.17%
3-Month 6 times -19.71% 6 times +290.00%
6-Month 2 times -93.80% 33 times +290.00%
12-Month 7 times -98.83% 36 times +290.00%
Year to Date 3 times -19.71% 10 times +290.00%