Tonight's Episode.... Green Eggs and Sam Was I a
Post# of 56323

Tonight's Episode....
Green Eggs and Sam
Was I a he or a she? Nobody knew.
But they all hated me, this much was true.
I live for my computer... Oh really I do...
If you don't like what I say, then you are just poo.
Aren't you? Is this true? That you are all poo?
Or is it me? Nobody likes poo, nobody likes me.
Oh, my, my, my how could that be?
It's easy to see just how that could be.
Easy to see how it could be true.
That Sam, Sam, Sam, you are the poo...
Sam, Sam, Sam, everybody laughs about you...
Sam, Sam, Sam, yes it is true.
Sam, Sam, Sam, it is you that are poo!!!
Samantha was tired...
She hit save and closed the file of the children's book she was trying so desperately to write, then let out a long sigh. She had been working on the book for ages now, but just like her past writing attempts, she was failing miserably at it and she knew it.
Samantha had always fancied that she would be a writer one day. A good one; one that was taken seriously... But it just wasn't meant to be.
There was no feeling in her prose. No heart, no soul, no passion, no love, just an endless supply of bitterness and hate. Everything she wrote had anger and jealousy dripping from each and every line. It was all she knew.
She lived for her day job now, it was all she had. Posting endless bits of cut and pasted text on a message board, sometimes for over 80 hours a week. Trying to outwit, trying to be cute. It was here she felt like a Queen!!!!
But now she was tired… She closed her eyes and smiled at the only bright spot in her day, the only bright spot in her life; posting her endless bits of cut and pasted text on a message board and trying to be the Queen. She was quite pleased with her day, and as her thoughts began to fade, she drifted slowly off to sleep.
The Federal Agents were in place in multiple locations at precisely 4:30 am. It was a large sweep, executed like clockwork, with military precision, taking over 30 people into custody on a wide range of criminal charges.
Samantha was in total disbelief as they led her away in handcuffs. They had all laughed at the prospect of even being sued, let alone arrested. They were all invincible. They would never be touched. Ironically, she could have been a real writer. It is very easy to do if you are any good. Writing articles for websites, writing ebooks, a million different ways.
They took Samantha away in handcuffs this morning.
They serve green eggs where they took her.
Nothing but Green eggs for Sam.
Sam, Sam, Sam, Now I am.
Green eggs and Sam