I realize there are some who can't seem get excited about a two day trend, and rightly so. Some would say, we've been here before. We have. But I would rather be where we are right now (.124) than at the .05 prediction put out there by our infamous bashers. Could the p/s dip again, sure, but what I have seen over the last few days is SCRC's resiliency and strength in the market. I am confident that as these remaining notes dwindle away combined with Bob's business model continuing to produce increased revenues, the p/s will correspond accordingly and we will grow to heights we are want to see. Bsav's most recent post provides a very detailed summary of SCRC's performance to date and the key elements of success for the future. There are just too many good things happening with ScripsAmerica not to be excited about the future. When I read Bob's comments referring to his concern for us, the investors, I believe him. I look at people all day long and wonder, "what is their dream?" Unfortunately most don't have one because they are afraid to dream. Well, I'm not afraid to dream. SCRC is my dream. My wife and I are looking forward to taking a trip to Tuscany in the Summer of 2015 to celebrate SCRC's success and I believe that trip will become a reality.