Latest Universal Media Corp (UMED) Headlines UMED
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UMED Holdings, Inc. Agrees to Acquire Rig Support Services, Inc.
Marketwire - Thu Feb 28, 8:30AM CST
UMED Holdings, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: UMED), a Texas Corporation, today announced it has agreed to acquire the remaining 50% interest in Rig Support Services, Inc. (RSSI), a privately held Texas Corporation focused on commercializing proprietary software for the oil and gas industry.
UMED Holdings, Inc. Completes Acquisition of Mamaki of Hawaii, Inc.
Marketwire - Tue Feb 12, 8:30AM CST
UMED Holdings, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: UMED), a Texas Corporation, today announced it has exercised its option under the terms of a pre-existing acquisition agreement to acquire the remaining 20% interest of Mamaki of Hawaii, Inc. (MOH), a company focused on growing, harvesting, processing and marketing Mamaki herbal tea and extract.
Aged Domains are Easy to Search for with New Domain Sentinel from PR Powershot
PRWeb - Wed Feb 06, 2:38AM CST
PR Powershot, a premium product from Universal Media-Online, has just added a new feature to its program. Called the Domain Sentinel, it helps make the process of buying aged domains much more simple and quick.
Universal Media Consultants and Royalty Clouds Announce a New Advertising Partnership for Crowdfunding
PRWeb - Thu Jan 31, 4:46PM CST
In response to the continued advertising request for crowdfunding projects, has signed an agreement with Universal Media Consultants. Crowdfunders using Royalty Cloud's platform will now be able to access the advertising and marketing services of Universal Media Consultants, thereby giving the crowdfunding campaign the greatest opportunity of becoming fully funded.
Universal Media Consultants Offers Advertising Campaigns for Crowdfunding
PRWeb - Mon Dec 31, 10:02PM CST
It seems that crowdfunding sites, and in particular crowdfunding websites, are popping up faster than Starbucks' stores at the height of their expansion. One glaring difference is that in the case of Starbucks, if was safe to apply the old adage of "build it and they will come". As many crowdfunders are finding out, one can't simply submit a product to sites like Kickstarter or Rockethub and expect to automatically fund the project. crowdfunding only works when there's a crowd. Universal Media Consultants is now offering a special crowdfund advertising solution designed to spread the word to the general public, as well as targeted individuals, that your product is available for crowdfunding. Provides a News Aggregation Website that Streams the Latest News on Crowdfunding
PRWeb - Mon Dec 31, 7:03PM CST
Universal Media Consultants has launched a new crowdfunding website designed as a one-stop source for keeping individuals and investors up to date on all of the latest news and resources surrounding equity crowdfunding. While still a work in progress, provides live news feeds from sources such as LinkedIn Groups, Google News, iCurrent, Alltop , and various other RSS web feeds.