Too little too late, when his salary was preposter
Post# of 36

Too little too late, when his salary was preposterous along with his cash burn he did nothing to stem the bleeding but kept going to the udders (dilution) for more and more milk. Sadly, he did not take very good care of the cow, but just kept taking and taking and taking willy-nilly though many told him to reduce his salary and get costs under control. To his credit he has always been transparent, but he has not done enough in the revenue areas (results-wise) and too much in the other (expenses and dilution) to bring the stock sadly at the near-inevitable R/S doorstep. I hope it doesn't happen because there are some solid people following this stock who deserve better. but i don' really see a way around the bloated share structure as the company operates in a mature market with too little penetration to make a big enough difference FAST ENOUGH.
sadly...i wish i could see this differently but that's how it looks thus far...maybe something changes but again, looks to me like too little, too late. maybe the r/s isn't the worst thing. it won't fix the problems but if he gets the ship righted then maybe the pps can have some room to fly...the share structure is too bloated for the revenues, business, market sector, product and all that jazz...
watching closely, i have wanted to buy this for years and only traded it once or twice because my sentiment has consistently been that where the stock currently sits is where it was headed...